14, your goal in the tape was recorded on a daily basis to constantly repeat player to enter your subconscious. Constantly repeat, repeat constantly. The method is simple, most people are not willing to try, do not try to, certainly not effective.
15, the subconscious to listen to the tape. The most important impact on the subconscious of the most important key is that the number of times repeatedly. "My income increased, my income continued to increase my income easily continue to increase," "frugality, frugality to the bank to deposit money, it is necessary to save money" "We have the perfect cells" (continuously Repeat hearing)
16, the use of the potential development of the machine. To change the subconscious, the world's fastest way to do this is to use hypnosis. New things are always vulnerable to exclusion. Successful, the courage to try new tools.
17, continue to build their own knowledge base. An average of 400-600 to read the book or magazine. Success there is a very important secret is to use the shortest possible time, the most significant action taken. All the leaders are readers. Each will be must-see. You will learn to be more successful. You have to spend 3 0% of its income to keep on learning. Success is the accumulation continues, as well as learning. Would like to earn more, we must learn more, your expertise, you must be top of the industry. The reason why you are successful because people like you, people believe you; what other people believe that you, like you, because you know more than they are, they feel there is hope with you. They think you can learn things together.
18, you have to constantly look at your competitors. Cases: WAL-MART head of the Shan Mu Wei Dayton opened the first chain, the goal is to become the industry's best, to get up 4:30 every morning, the time when competitors continue to study. Only by understanding the other side, will it be possible to go beyond the other side; only know their only way to improve their own. Develop a habit, research your competitors. To succeed, it must be successful in what it has done at the same time you have to understand the failure to do those things, so that those who do not own mistakes.
19, by the success of others, rather than on their own. If you want to succeed, you must have an organization to have a working group. Depends on the success of the organization, team, rather than individuals. Any questions, they do not want themselves, but they are looking for a partner to solve, to draw on collective wisdom, the effectiveness of efforts so that they can be the cause of life and on the peak.
20, you must be better than your competitors work harder. The most important success factor is even harder than other people! "Than others, more than double the efforts," Li Ka-shing. "Work harder than others, and then look for a group of people to work together," Gates. Is a shortcut to success, and success is to pay a high price. "Always do better than the requirements," the daily progress of 1%. Progress must be the best day is 2%, which is super-successful day will do.
21, everything quality requirements. If you can improve your quality of work in the industry in order of ranking, you can be more successful. Quality first! Quality first! Quality first! You have to constantly ask your customers: the quality of how we do things like? Like how the quality of the product? Service good enough? Can you give us some suggestions? And keep customers Chat.