Thursday, December 18, 2008

how to pursuit super successful (3)

how to pursuit super successful (3)
13, the power of the subconscious. "The power of the subconscious sense of great than 30,000 times." Subconscious use the first method is to imagine constantly changing self-image and a built-in picture; the second, it is necessary to keep self-implied, or so-called The self-recognition. "I will be successful, I will be successful, I will succeed" "I will be very rich, very rich, I will, I will be very rich," "I continue to enhance the performance, constantly upgrading the performance of some of my Will continue to improve, "" I will save money, I will save money, I will save money, "repeated practice to repeatedly enter. Impact on the subconscious of the most important one of the most important key is to constantly repeat, repeat constantly, constantly repeat once again, to a large number of repeat time anywhere you continue to confirm the goal, constantly thinking about your goals, In that case, you will eventually achieve the goal.

14, your goal in the tape was recorded on a daily basis to constantly repeat player to enter your subconscious. Constantly repeat, repeat constantly. The method is simple, most people are not willing to try, do not try to, certainly not effective.

15, the subconscious to listen to the tape. The most important impact on the subconscious of the most important key is that the number of times repeatedly. "My income increased, my income continued to increase my income easily continue to increase," "frugality, frugality to the bank to deposit money, it is necessary to save money" "We have the perfect cells" (continuously Repeat hearing)

16, the use of the potential development of the machine. To change the subconscious, the world's fastest way to do this is to use hypnosis. New things are always vulnerable to exclusion. Successful, the courage to try new tools.

17, continue to build their own knowledge base. An average of 400-600 to read the book or magazine. Success there is a very important secret is to use the shortest possible time, the most significant action taken. All the leaders are readers. Each will be must-see. You will learn to be more successful. You have to spend 3 0% of its income to keep on learning. Success is the accumulation continues, as well as learning. Would like to earn more, we must learn more, your expertise, you must be top of the industry. The reason why you are successful because people like you, people believe you; what other people believe that you, like you, because you know more than they are, they feel there is hope with you. They think you can learn things together.

18, you have to constantly look at your competitors. Cases: WAL-MART head of the Shan Mu Wei Dayton opened the first chain, the goal is to become the industry's best, to get up 4:30 every morning, the time when competitors continue to study. Only by understanding the other side, will it be possible to go beyond the other side; only know their only way to improve their own. Develop a habit, research your competitors. To succeed, it must be successful in what it has done at the same time you have to understand the failure to do those things, so that those who do not own mistakes.

19, by the success of others, rather than on their own. If you want to succeed, you must have an organization to have a working group. Depends on the success of the organization, team, rather than individuals. Any questions, they do not want themselves, but they are looking for a partner to solve, to draw on collective wisdom, the effectiveness of efforts so that they can be the cause of life and on the peak.

20, you must be better than your competitors work harder. The most important success factor is even harder than other people! "Than others, more than double the efforts," Li Ka-shing. "Work harder than others, and then look for a group of people to work together," Gates. Is a shortcut to success, and success is to pay a high price. "Always do better than the requirements," the daily progress of 1%. Progress must be the best day is 2%, which is super-successful day will do.

21, everything quality requirements. If you can improve your quality of work in the industry in order of ranking, you can be more successful. Quality first! Quality first! Quality first! You have to constantly ask your customers: the quality of how we do things like? Like how the quality of the product? Service good enough? Can you give us some suggestions? And keep customers Chat.
how to pursuit super successful (2)
7, to be successful. First study of school success. To succeed, we must study success. A person of wisdom generated by three elements: 1, continued success in collecting information, they are quite adept at grasping new knowledge. Remember! Always have to continue to collect new information 2, a successful person will continue to study the experience of others. 3, a wise person will be constantly self-examination.

8, to be successful it is necessary to take action. The world's leading sales success: from 8:00 am to work at night until collapsed. Sales are always a number ofThe game, as long as you have the more hard-working, to visit more customers, we will be traded. Successful people will never do more than the average person, when most people give up, they look for the next customer; when the customer refused, he asked them: "You do not want in the end?" When the customers do not buy, he asked: "Why do not you buy?" Remember! You will always be a number of actions taken by you to be more successful, not how much you know.

9, it is necessary to continue to consult successful, they asked about the success of the methods and views. A person to be successful, need to continue to experience, needs to be constantly learning, however, is the fastest way to ask a number of successful and ask them to give you some advice to give you some feedback and ask them to tell you what to do on that What a mistake. So that they can use their wisdom and experience to guide you, this is the case, than you see any of the books have to be more effective. You always think you can not see blind spots. The success of those who asked: "Where else in the end, I also need to improve?"

10, no matter what you do, we must be happy, to enjoy the process. The purpose of marketing, the idea: "to provide the best customer service to help customers solve their problems."

11, to set high standards, absolutely not accept Dier Liu. The quality of your work and your personal achievements in direct proportion to the number of people with you in direct proportion with your attitude in direct proportion with your knowledge in direct proportion with your standard in direct proportion to success have high standards, failure The standards are not high. No mistakes in everything. The first set of requirements.

12, to change the self-image. Psychology is one of the greatest discoveries, by membership is able to keep their imagination, ideals and become their own characters. You have to imagine that he is a very successful, very rich, very positive, very enthusiastic, very dynamic, every day you have to continue to spend some time, imagine the scene of their success. You have to imagine that he is a natural home win. Imagine constantly every year you have to reach

how to pursuit super successful

how to pursuit super successful (1)

1, do the things you like to do, then do it the best. You must do your favorite thing to do would be achieved. Work to find the right way to their ideal working conditions and a perfect list.
2, to become the industry of the world's top target. Do not make a lot of money as the most important thing is your life. As long as you can become the best people, the best things will happen to you. When you want to get the best of all things, you have to change themselves into the best person to become the industry's best in the world for you, the ultimate goal in life, this is the case, you will be able to achieve all your dreams.
3, successful people have a great dream, but a reasonable goal. Every successful person has a great dream. Great success by the success of the small accumulation of each person's success in reaching the target of numerous small, only to realize their great dream. Do not give up, we will certainly have a chance of success, if you give up, it has failed. Remember! Each of the goals and dreams, we should set a deadline. Do not reach the goal: 1, 2 and unreasonable, there is no time limit 3, 4, the lack of detailed plans, not to measure progress every day. Tens of millions do not have to rely on luck life, you must depend on the objectives and plans for life.
4, want success or must be success? Success of the three most important tips: 1, should have a strong desire to 2 or 3 should have a strong desire, or to have a strong desire.
5, every day should continue to review its own practices and effectiveness. Must act in the interest of the continued strengthening of the mistakes must be corrected immediately. This is because the same mistake must not guilty of a second! Every day to view at their own pace, I view the progress of subordinates, so each week to discuss the meeting, what was happening (wrong,).
6, with some successful people to learn, in particular, the success of world-class figure. You have to learn from the success of the model for his own success into the environment, along with successful learning. A person to be successful. There are several ways: 1, he must help the work of successful 2, when they began to succeed, have begun to be more successful with the co-operation of 3, when more and more success you have, to help you find a successful work. In accordance with these three methods, step-by-step to do, you will be very successful.

Desperate to succeed

Desperate to succeed

Came to a torrent, advisers said: "The river too quickly, the fear of crossing is dangerous, whether there could be a bridge crossing it." Warrior said: "What are they afraid, fearless water and fire." As a result, the Warriors fast Fen river in the fighting, after the storm, crossing to the opposite side. Advisers have also been found in a smooth crossing, so they are on their way together.

Grass came to the side, all of a sudden heavy rain began, the advisor said: "Let's avoid a shelter from the rain, the weather was fine, and so bypass the grass go." Warrior said: "What are they afraid of, rain or shine." As a result, despite wind and rain across the Golden State The grass in the marshes after struggling, almost desperately. Once the storm is over, the Warriors and also met with an advisor, so they are on their way together.

Come next to the forest, the advisor said: "The fear of the forest there are jackals, let's pass or go." Warrior said: "What are they afraid that man will triumph over nature." As a result, the Warriors alone through the forest, all the way Tsam python kill wolves, and finally As a result of physical exhaustion, died in a tiger's mouth.

Many people think that, not afraid of difficulties, fear, is the brave. Courage worthy of respect, of course, but if we are to avoid difficulties, pass away, perhaps even easier.

Bill Gates at the time sophomore, has invited one of his classmates along with drop-out Colette, 32Bit to the development of financial software. Colette that while the new textbooks have been resolved binary system conversion path, but there are still many problems to be overcome. He therefore rejected the euphemism Bill Gates, after graduating from university to continue, the computer has become a Bit Dr. Fang Miandi graduate. 10 years later, he had overcome numerous challenges Bit, Bit become experts.

Bill Gates has retired, the founder of Microsoft. 32Bit in the development of financial software, he encountered many difficulties in the end, he decided to bypass the system Bit, then developed a financial software Eip, and the Bit faster than the rate of 1,500 times. Ten years later, the world's richest man Bill Gates.

Colette can be a warrior, but Bill Gates is well-known success.

The shortcut to success

The shortcut to success

To the success of those who study the success of the success of the method of determination and enthusiasm can not replace the scientific method.

Everyone want the shortcut, less desire for everyone to detours. Of course, you can spend as much as 10, 20 or even life-long poverty of energy and time, slowly find their way to success, after all, but not the best solution. The most important secret of success is to use the already proven successful method.

Has proven successful method where? In the success of the people there.

As a result, study success man is the successful method of shortcut to success. First of all, to the success of the study were successful, sure, this method is tested, workable and operational; Second, to the success of the study were successful, they are bound to directly or indirectly related to the success of Friends who, by their world view, ways of thinking and positive impact on progress. An agency of the United States after investigation that a person who causes of failure, because 90% of the people around friends and relatives, partners, colleagues and acquaintances are more failure and pessimistic, as the saying goes, good people with learning, with the fake witch jump God; do not have good ideas to inspire and guide, there is no good method to guide the success of the decline is inevitable. As a result, the success of the study were successful, not only can succeed, and success at an early date. The success of the so-called successful methods is that they are not necessarily poor Gong for several years, after numerous failures. We need not take their old, but to go directly to their experience, in principle. So successful doing things, the successful mode of thinking to understand and to use them. Any success, was in a Gaorenyichou side, top, will have its unique way. To learn exactly right as long as he has done, and he will be able to make similar achievements.

Penny become million

Penny become million

Money like the seed, breeding to grow, your credit will be funded and become stronger, as early as possible in order to promote the plan, you must have good credit as a virtue. If you Yiwenbuming, then other people would like to borrow money, it will be difficult to impossible to do; On the other hand, if you already own with 100 million people no longer have to take it easy 1,000,000 yuan. To improve the treatment of employees, factory equipment improvements are also needed money, so do not readily allow the 1 1 cents from the loss of your hand.

1 cent is 1 kind of even 1 cent, you have to cherish especially, as a seed, planting, hard work. By the second year, which can become cents 1 yuan money, the reason is add up the plot into a sand tower. Of course, we have to wait until grow to 20 million, or 100 million, is still a long, rough way to go.

King of the Rockefeller oil in the United States in the 19th century one of the three richest. He earned over a lifetime of at least 10 billion U.S. dollars, have donated 750,000,000 U.S. dollars. However, he usually spend very thrifty.

On one occasion, Rockefeller would like to ride the bus home from work, the difference a dime, and by the Secretary, said: "You have to remind me, so I forgot." Secretary, said: "Never mind, a dime Suan Bule What. "Orthophotomaps, he said:" How can you say nothing, a piece of the money in the bank, to a full two years before a dime of interest ah! "

Rockefeller habits to be familiar with a restaurant meal after meal, to the Health Service money-fifth of a cent tip. One day, I do not know why he only gave money to one-fifth of Health Services. Health services can not complain, said: "If I like you so rich, I do not begrudge that money."

Hearing this, Rockefeller smiled: "That is why you have a lifetime of service when the students because." On another occasion, New York, Rockefeller came to a hotel, and live in the cheapest room. He told the manager asked: "where the cheapest room one night how much? I am a living person, only a very small room."

After the manager told him: "Why do you want to live in such a shabby room! Your son to come here, we have always been the most expensive living room, you have to live in the cheapest room."

Rockefeller quipped: "Yes, because he (his son) is a rich dad, but my father not!"

Key business: like a gold coin of social habits, who can understand the value of the masters of a coin can bring thousands of wealth.