Friday, January 2, 2009

key to successful project management

key to successful project management

In the best cases, project management software is very difficult. Unfortunately, many of the new project manager in fact there has been no training for office. There are 20 successful management experience, project manager for reference.

1. The definition of criteria for the success of the project

At the beginning of the project, it is necessary to ensure that their stakeholders on how to judge the success of the project have a uniform. Often to meet a pre-defined schedule is the only significant success factor, but certainly there are other factors, such as: increased market share, was designated sales or sales, made a specific user satisfaction out of a High demand for the maintenance of legacy systems, to obtain a specific volume of transaction processing and ensure the correctness.

2. Identification of the project-driven, bound and the degree of freedom

Each item needs to balance its functions, personnel, budget, progress and quality of the goal. We have more than five projects each, or a binding definition, you have to be bound in this operation, or as the definition of successful projects and the corresponding driver, or as the definition of success to the degree of freedom, you can In a provision within the framework of adjustment.

3. The definition of product standards issued

Early in the project, it is necessary to determine the criteria for determining whether a product ready for publication. You can publish based on the standard: there are still a number of high-priority defects, performance measurement, the specific function fully operational, or other aspects of the project show that it has reached. No matter what standard you choose, should be achievable, measurable, of the document, and with your customer refers to the "quality" in line.

4. Commitment to communicate

Despite the pressure of events can not promise never to make a you know you can not guarantee that. And customer management and communication which can be made practical, to have a good reputation. Your project before any data will help convince you to make the argument that while it is unreasonable for people who have no real role in defense.

5. To write a plan

Some people believe that the plan does not take the time to write flowery time to write code, but I do not think so. The difficult part of writing is not a plan. The difficult part is to make the plan - thinking, communication, trade-offs, exchanges, and listen to the question. You used to analyze problem-solving takes time, the project will reduce the future will bring you the accident.

6. To break down tasks into small-sized boulder

Inch of the small size of the boulder is to reduce the milestone. To break down large tasks into small number of tasks to help you be more precise estimate them exposed in other cases, you may not think of the work, and to ensure more accurate and detailed tracking of the state.

7. The big task for the general development plan worksheet

If you assume the often a particular group of common tasks, such as the realization of a new class of object, you need to develop a mandate for these activities check list and plan the work table. Each check list should include this task may take all the steps. These check list and worksheets to help members identify and assess his / her big mandate to deal with each instance of work-related.

8. Scheme, in the quality control activities should be working to amend

Almost all quality control activities, such as testing and technical assessment, or other flaws will be found to increase the possibility. The progress of your project or work breakdown structures, each should be quality control activities after the changes, as a separate mission to include. In fact, if you do not have to make any changes, good, you are walking in the front of the mission plan. But do not expect it to go.

9. To improve the process of time

Your team members have been submerged in their current project, but if you want your team to a higher level of software engineering capacity, you need to invest some time in the process of improvement. From your stay in the progress of the project some time, because software projects should include activities that can help you do a project to improve the process more successful. Do not members of the item you can use 100% of the time into the task of the project, and then surprised to learn why they take the initiative to raise no progress has been made.

10.'s Risk management project
If you do not identify and control risks, then they will control you. The project plans to spend some time discussing the collective might of the risk factors to assess their potential hazard, and you decide how to reduce or prevent them. To a summary of the software risk management guidelines.

11. According to the plan, rather than the calendar for the estimated

It is generally estimated to calendar time, but I tend to estimate the task associated with the work plan (to people) for the number, and then plan to convert the estimated time of the calendar. Based on the conversion day, I have a number of hours spent in an effective task of the project, I might have encountered any interruption or sudden adjustment request, the meeting, and all other time would disappear.

12. Do not arranged for more than 80% of their time

Your week team to track the actual cost of the project designated the average number of hours of work, it would be surprising. And we have been asked to do many of the activities related to the task of switching costs, significantly reducing the efficiency of our work. It was not only because of a specific work to spend 10 hours a week, went to the assumption that he or she can immediately do such a task 4, if he or she can handle the task End 3, you are very lucky.

13. Time will be training on the plan

Be sure that your team every year in the amount of time spent on training, and from its members work in the designated item available on the task in less time. You may have been an average of less vacation time, sick time and other time, the training will take the same deal.

14. Your record and your estimate of how to achieve the estimated

When you are ready to estimate your work, put them on record, and record how you are at the end of each mission. The creation of the understanding estimating assumptions and methods to make them more easily when necessary protection and adjustment, but it will help you improve your estimating process.

15. Records of the estimates and estimates of the use of tools

Many business tools can help you estimate the entire project. According to them the true experience of the project's enormous database, these tools can give you a staff and the progress possible arrangements for the distribution of choice. They can also help you avoid the "impossible region", that is, the product size, group size and progress of the arrangements for the combined success of the project have not known. Software Productivity Center ('s Estimate Pro is a good tool to give it a try.

16. Comply with the learning curve

If you project for the first time to try the new process, tools or technology, you have to pay a short period of time authorized to lower the cost of productivity. Do not expect the new software engineering method for the first time in trying to get on the amazing effectiveness of the arrangements to take into account progress in the inevitable learning curve.

17. Buffer to consider accident

You do not like the project plan as accurate, so your budget and schedule should be the main stage after a number of accidents, including a buffer to cope with unforeseen events. Unfortunately, your manager or the customer may transfer them as a buffer packing, and not wise to recognize the fact that it is. Some of the items specified in the previous unpleasant accident to illustrate your foresight.

18. Records to estimate the actual situation and circumstances

If you do not record the cost of each task on the actual working hours, and your estimate and compare, you will never be able to improve your ability to estimate. Your estimate will always be speculation.

19. Only if 100% of the task is complete, only that the completion of the mission

The use of small-sized boulder of a benefit is that you can distinguish each task or completed or not completed, it is estimated that more than one task at some point to complete the number is the percentage to more. Do not allow people to just give up their state of completion of the task; the use of a clear standard to determine whether the step is complete.

20. Open, just to track project status

To create a good atmosphere so that members of the project accurately report the status of the project is safe. Efforts to project an accurate, based on the fact that data on the basis of running, rather than from the fear of bad news arising from misleading optimism. The use of project status information when necessary to carry out operations to correct, and when conditions allow for recognition.

These tips can not guarantee your success, but they will help you in your projects get a solid handle, and to ensure that you do all you can do to make this crazy project in the world's success.

these are the key to successful project management