Saturday, November 22, 2008


Not because we are afraid to do difficult things, but because we did not dare to do things the hard before.

In 1965, a South Korean students majoring in psychology at the University of Cambridge. In the afternoon tea to drink, he frequented the school cafeteria or listen to some of the success of those cafe to chat.

The success of these people, including Nobel Prize winners, a number of areas of academic authority and created a myth of the economy, these people are humorous, Juchongruoqing, their success can see a very natural and logical. A long time, he found at home, he was the success of some of the people who cheated. In order for those who are business people who quit are generally difficult to start their own exaggerated, that is, they use their own success stories to frighten those who have not yet achieved success. As a psychology student, he thinks it is necessary for the success of South Korea's state of mind to look at them.

In 1970, he "was not successful as you imagine so difficult," as a thesis, submitted to the founder of the modern economy, psychology professor. Braden professor of reading, much surprise, he thinks this is a new discovery, although this phenomenon in the East and even in parts of the world widespread, but previously no one dare to put forward and look at them. Surprise, he wrote a letter to the Cambridge alumnus, he was sitting in the Korean political arena to the first position on the human Park Chung-hee. In the letter, he said, "I would not say that this works for you, how much help, but I'm sure you than any government can have a shock."

Later this book was accompanied by South Korea's economic take-off of. The book inspired many people, because they are from a new perspective tells us that with the success of the "workers of their bones, their physical hunger" and "three lights Wugeng chicken," "the first cantilever, cone Cigu" There is no causal Ties. As long as you are interested in a career that will continue for a long time to succeed, because God gives you the time and wisdom you have a complete enough to finish one thing. Later, the youth also have been successful, he has become a pan-South Korean auto industry company.

Warm Tip: There are many things in this world, as long as want to be able to do, to overcome the difficulties, but also be able to overcome, what do not need iron will, but do not need any skills or strategies. As long as a person with great interest but also the simple life, he will find that, after all, the Creator of the world, all of us home.